tax preparation

Easily File Your Taxes With Our FREE Taxes-To-Go App!

Get a customized download of the app for your location.

Need help with your taxes?

We offer tax preparation services. Let us give you a free no obligation quote.

You can get up to $7,000* of your tax money back within 24 to 48 hours of IRS acceptance with Sunset Finance!

How do you know you’re getting your MAXIMUM return?

Give us an opportunity to give you a FREE no obligation quote.​

$7,000 Advance Loan

*We are offering up to $7,000 of your tax money back within as little as 24 to 48 hours of IRS acceptance!

Larger Refunds

Our average refund was larger than the national IRS average this past tax season!

Free No-Obligation Quotes

Get no-obligation quotes on all Simple Returns!

No IRS Worries

12-month service and audit assistance available!

Money When you Need IT

** Whether it’s the holidays, back-to-school, vacation, or an unexpected expense, we are here to help any time of the year.

We pay $25.00 referral fees

We pay a referral fee when you send us a new tax customer and the IRS accepts their taxes.

Sunset Finance is here to help with your taxes​

Come visit us at your local branch! Request your preferred date and time using the form below, and someone will call you shortly.

This form does not guarantee an appointment time, only a preferred time. We will confirm date and time during the call. Thanks!

Free Easy Tax Prep Checklist Download
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please note, not all times will be available in all branches at the time of your request. Additional appointments including weekends may be available outside of normal business hours by calling the branch. Find a branch Location


We’re in the business of helping people